Refund / Return Policy

If you receive food that is different from your receipt, we sincerely apologize. Please call us or your third-party delivery company as soon as you notice that there was an error in your order or contact your third party delivery company. You may come to pick up the correct food item.

  • For credit card payments, you will be refunded the sales price amount associated with the error and recharged for the new items price.

  • For cash payments, you will be asked to pay the difference of the balance if the new food has a greater value than the food received in error. In the same way, you will receive the difference of the balance back as credit for the new item if less than the food received in error. In some cases, we may offer you a store credit.

Your order will be priority if you come to pick it up. In all cases, please return the food order in the original container(s)* to our cashier.

We take great care and pride in all of the dishes we make. Refunds and/or replacement food are available upon request for orders in which the food is wrong, omitted and other similar circumstances. Refunds are not typically provided for food that a guest simply does not like.

Some menu items come with a choice to add extra levels of spicy,  but spice can be different for everyone. We usually suggest that you are on the side of caution and choose a lower spice level because you can add spice in, but can’t take it out! We do not offer discounts or refunds for a preferred different spice level, but please let us know if you’d like us to add a side of ground chili flakes, cayenne pepper or Thai chilis for you. Please note: for extra a side of ground chili flakes or cayenne pepper, it is an additional $.50 per ounce. For Thai chili peppers, it is $.50 for 3 peppers.

Pick-up food is packaged into containers that keep it at an appropriate temperature and level of freshness for a certain amount of time. To preserve the quality of pick-up food, please arrive at the scheduled pick-up time you were informed of. If you cannot arrive at the confirmed time, please contact us at least 10 minutes before the pick-up time so we can keep the waiting food properly warmed or chilled. If a customer arrives after the pick-up time without notifying us, there will be no refund provided for food that may have gone cold.

We cannot cancel, refund or give store credit if you change your mind or mistakenly order an item after the order is prepared. 

**As a private business, it is the right of the restaurant to deny or refuse service to any customer for any reason. If a customer abuses any of the Return & Refund Policy we, unfortunately, will not be able to conduct future business with the customer so that we may continue to provide excellent and quality food and service for you and our other wonderful and frequent patrons.

** We strive to prepare and package our pick up items to preserve the high quality of the food. Keep in mind the temperature, sauce, and consistency of some items may vary slightly after being packaged.

**If 25% or more of the food has been consumed or removed we cannot issue any discount, refund or store credit. If the food has been discarded, repackaged or tampered with then we cannot verify its origin or issue and cannot issue any discount, refund or store credit. Also, we will only prepare a second food order in all situation and we will not prepare a third order replacement.


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